AWOLI e. V. Constance

Goals of the association

  • Enabling and facilitating coexistence between different cultures by providing the opportunity to get to know each other better through multiple event meetings. Promote sisterhood and brotherhood, friendly relations between 3rd world countries by cooperating with different aid organizations in these countries to achieve the same goal. Promote friendly and long-lasting relations between the developed world and 3rd world countries with mutual respect and cooperation with the developed world Fight against social inequality, diseases (malaria, AIDS, etc.) by setting up first aid clinics Encouraging Africans to return by working with African governments to facilitate the conditions for return Promoting school, sports and African culture, by building schools and donating sports shoes in the sports school, promoting the desire for research by awakening the desire in the youth during their education.


The income of the association is made up of

  1. Donations
  2. Membership fees
  3. Income from events


  • General meeting
  • Management Board
  • Advisory Board
  • Finance Committee

General meeting

  • Each member has one vote at the General Meeting. To exercise the right to vote, another member may be authorized in writing separately for each General Meeting; however, one member may not represent more than two third-party votes. The general meeting takes place every two months. It is convened by the Executive Board in writing, giving one week’s notice (submission deadline) and stating the agenda. Any member may submit a written request to the Executive Board to add items to the agenda no later than one day before the meeting. The chairman of the meeting must announce the addition at the beginning of the general meeting. The General Meeting is chaired by the Chairman or, if he is unable to attend, by the Secretary General or, if he is unable to attend, by the Treasurer. If no member of the Board of Directors is present, the meeting shall appoint the chairperson. The general meeting is quorate if at least one third of all association members are present. If there is no quorum, the Executive Board is obliged to convene a second General Meeting with the same agenda within two weeks. This shall constitute a quorum regardless of the number of members present. This must be indicated in the invitation. However, the presence of at least two thirds of the members is required for the election or deselection of the Board of Directors or amendment of the Articles of Association. The General Meeting generally passes resolutions with a simple majority of the valid votes cast. However, a majority of three quarters of the valid votes cast is required to amend the articles of association, and a majority of nine tenths is required to dissolve the association. A resolution to change the purpose of the association can only be passed with the consent of all members. A record must be kept of the resolutions passed at the general meeting. At a minimum, it should contain the nature of the resolutions, the voting results, the date and the names of those who are to certify the resolutions of the General Meeting. The Secretary General shall authenticate the minutes or, if he is unable to do so, the Treasurer. If the General Secretary and the Treasurer are not present, the General Assembly shall appoint a secretary from among its members.

Management Board

The Executive Board consists of the Chairman of the Executive Board, the Secretary General and the Treasurer.
The members of the Executive Board should fulfill the following requirements:

    • impeccable role model function
    • At least 2 years membership
    • The association is represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Secretary General. Both are authorized to represent the association individually. In appropriate cases, the Board of Directors or the General Meeting may authorize a member to represent the association.
    • The Board of Directors adopts resolutions at meetings convened by the Chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by the Secretary General, who shall notify the agenda. The notice period of three days should be observed.
    • The Board of Directors is quorate if at least two are present. Resolutions are passed by a majority of the valid votes cast. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote; in his absence, the Secretary General has the casting vote. The Executive Board may pass resolutions by written procedure if all members of the Executive Board agree to the subject of the resolution.
    • The Executive Board is responsible for all matters of the association, unless they are assigned to another body. Its tasks include in particular
    • Preparing and convening the General Meeting and drawing up the agenda,
    • The implementation of the resolutions of the General Meeting,
    • The preparation of an annual report to be submitted to the General Meeting after the end of the financial year.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is the link between the General Meeting and the Board of Directors.


  • Advisory function
  • Concerns about the survival of the association in times of crisis
  • Discharge of the Executive Board
  • Preparation of an annual report at the end of the financial year, which must be submitted to the General Meeting.

Membership fees

The Advisory Board consists of three persons and is elected on the same day as the Board of Directors for a term of three financial years.
It appoints its own spokesperson.
Members of the Advisory Board should fulfill the following conditions:

  • At least three years membership in the association
  • Active participation in the general meetings
  • Seamless payment of membership fees

Finance Committee


  • Developing the association’s financial goals
  • Financial control and duty to provide information to the General Meeting.
    To this end, the Treasurer is obliged to disclose the cash books to the Finance Committee and to attend its meetings as required, although he/she does not have the right to vote.
  • Preparation of an annual report at the end of the financial year, which must be submitted to the General Meeting.


The Finance Committee consists of three persons and is elected on the same day as the Board of Directors for a term of three financial years.
It appoints its own spokesperson.
Members of the Finance Committee should fulfill the following conditions:

    • At least one year membership in the association
    • Active participation in member meetings
    • Seamless payment of membership fees


If you would like to support us as a company or organization in our work in the long term, then you have come to the right place.

Your financial contribution or donation of materials helps us to plan our work in the long term.

As a partner of AWOLI e.V., you also benefit from working together. Improved public relations and a positive image of the company are just two advantages of a partnership with AWOLI e.V.

Are you interested? Please write to us: