

AWOLI B.A-BA Baker's Academy

In Doula (Cameroon), we train young women and men to become bakers. With the knowledge they acquire, they should be able to set up their own business as bakers. Small loans are intended to make it easier for successful graduates to become self-employed.


Awoli Festival, Constance

Friday, 30.08.2024 – Sunday, 01.09.2024

Look forward to African food, the One World Bazaar and lots of music and dancing.


Cooperation with an orphanage in Douala

The idea of founding the “Orphelinat nouvelle Destinée” orphanage had been around since 2002.
The “Orphanage New Hope” was finally realized in 2005 by a group of women whose actions are based on the values of biblical principles such as charity, compassion and love.
The orphanage received recognition from the Ministry of Social Affairs of Cameroon in March 2012.
The center takes in orphans, abandoned or destitute children.
Children who have been separated from their parents for serious family reasons.
The aim is to build up the children both physically and psychologically and to restore their balance by enabling them to lead a life similar to that of a family.
There are currently (January 2023) 57 children living at the center (the maximum capacity has been set at 50 children).

Burkina Faso

An infirmary for Gando

Together with Schulbausteine für Gando eV, which has already built a new school in the village, AWOLI e.V. would like to help realize further urgently needed infrastructure projects in Gando.
The local infirmary, for example, currently consists of just a small room with only one hospital bed and no mattress, medicines are often not available and there is no electricity here anyway.
A new infirmary with a solar power system would be a great relief for the whole village.
As the journey to the nearest town is simply too expensive for many villagers, illnesses are often only treated when there is no other option.
Of course, this is often too late for meaningful treatment.

Projects and activities

National development policy conference

Saturday, April 15, 2023 | ICS Messe Stuttgart

World:Citizens asked!
Development policy dialog of the state government

Global responsibility starts with us!

Sustainable development starts at home, in one’s own life, in one’s own place of residence, in one’s own country.
In Baden-Württemberg, development policy comes to life through the initiatives and organizations in which several thousand people are involved, mostly on a voluntary basis.
It achieves its best effect through exchange and cooperation with like-minded people all over the world.

Baden-Württemberg’s One World Promoters have been strengthening this commitment for a full ten years, thus contributing to the implementation of the state’s development policy guidelines.

Now it was time to reflect together:

  • What kind of development and cooperation does Baden-Württemberg need today in order to seriously work for more global justice in a changed world?
  • And what do the committed people of Baden-Württemberg need to be able to continue to drive this development forward wholeheartedly?

Host of the regional conference of the Baden-Württemberg migrant development policy network

The Migrant Development Policy Network Baden-Württemberg is an association of experts with an international history who are involved in development policy issues throughout the state and beyond. The central goal of the network is to integrate people with a migration biography and their organizations into the state’s development policy in a sustainable and structural way. On Friday, December 8, 2023, the network’s regional conference took place for the first time in the district of Constance in the Engen town hall. The organizers were Unser buntes Engen e.V. in cooperation with the Constance association AWOLI e.V. and the Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V. with the support of the State Ministry. 

The regional conference in Engen focused on the presentation of the position paper published by the network this year. This contains important impulses for action to strengthen (post-)migrant involvement in the development policy funding landscape. Regional conferences in various regions of the country will be used to publicize the position paper. There will be a particular focus on communicating and raising awareness of the special position of migrant engagement and setting the course for positive change through exchange and dialog between various development policy actors. After a brief welcome to the guests by David Tchakoura (Unser buntes Engen e.V.) and Eric Kamguia (AWOLI e.V.), Dr. Dolgor Guntsetseg, member of the Association of Mongolian Academics e.V., presented the position paper. This was followed by a lively discussion with guests from various parts of the country. In his speech, Paulino Miguel, long-time One World promoter for migrant engagement and head of the Migration and Development department at the Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V., looked back on the creation and development of the network. All guests agreed on the need for recognition, appreciation and the inclusion of migrant expertise in relevant development policy debates in the country. 

Eric Kamguia and David Tchakoura presented the work of their associations to illustrate their local commitment to development policy. Eric Kamguia reported, for example, on the bakery academy that his association runs in Douala (Cameroon) and offers training opportunities for young people in need. According to Kamguia, the association thus makes an important contribution to combating the causes of flight. The association’s domestic work includes the biennial Africa Festival in Constance (AWOLI Festival). David Tchakoura used the story of the origins of Unser bunte Engen e.V. to show how sustainable structures for equal participation and cohesion can also be created in smaller towns. The participants were able to continue exchanging ideas and networking over a cozy dinner together. Fascinated by the idyllic Hegau region, guests left with the wish to meet again soon in Engen.

Meeting of the umbrella organization of (post-)migrant organizations in the district of Constance

November 17 | Milchwerk in Radolfzell

A district-wide association offers the opportunity to work together across city boundaries. An association can also help its individual members to get ahead, e.g. by providing advice on association law, assisting with applications for funding or advocating for its members with public authorities.

An umbrella organization is a construct that combines project and structural support.

(Post-)migrant organizations (MOs) and initiatives are strengthened in their commitment, their equal participation is enabled and long-term cooperation is sought and stabilized.
MOs are supported where they need concrete support.
The umbrella organization enables them to represent their interests together.

Organizing team

Africa meets Orient

September 29, 2023 | DOMSCHULE on Münsterplatz

This impressive event is organized by AWOLI e. V. and Miteinander in Konstanz e. V. – two organizations that put their heart and soul into promoting community and cultural understanding.

As with the last Intercultural Week, talented chefs from various countries in Africa and around the world have conjured up a varied buffet that brings us closer to the culinary treasures of different cultures. By enjoying these dishes, we not only get to know new flavors, but also the cultural influences that have shaped them.

In this relaxed and cozy atmosphere, we would like to encourage you to get into conversation with each other. It is often the small conversations and encounters that show us the beauty of diversity.

A special highlight of the program was the fair trade expert Raquel Cayapa Tapuy. She provided insights into production and the differences between conventionally and fairly produced chocolate. Fair trade is an important step towards a fairer world in which everyone is paid fairly from production to sale.

In addition, the guests could look forward to a special tasting: Ms. Cayapa had Fair Trade organic chocolate with her.

Thanks again to everyone who attended. The next Africa Meets Orient will take place in September 2025.

Foundation of the INKO network

In May 2023, intercultural and migrant associations in Constance will join forces in the Intercultural Network Constance (INKO).

The proportion of migrants in the overall population in Baden-Württemberg and in our city of Constance has been increasing for many years. Migrants contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the city of Constance. However, people with a history of migration still do not have the same opportunities to participate in society. Many voluntary organizations are committed to integration, equal participation and cohesion in Constance. Until now, however, there has been a lack of a structure that networks them and enables them to be more effective and influential.

For this reason, the Intercultural Network Constance, INKO for short, was founded on May 11, 2023 in the Domschule am Münster. The network campaigns for the removal of social barriers and against discrimination on racial grounds or on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual identity.

The founding members were the associations (AWOLI e.V., Café Mondial e.V., Chinesische Schule Konstanz e.V., Initiatives for Global Cooperation e.V., Miteinander in Konstanz e.V., Nakupenda e.V., Polnischer Verein Kleks e.V., Save me Konstanz e.V.). The Constance International Office attended the founding meeting as a guest of the administration.

Among other things, the founding members want to organize the exchange among each other, strengthen the commitment and cooperation between initiatives, bring together voluntary commitment and full-time structures and be civil society dialogue and contact partners for politics, administration and the public. INKO’s immediate aim is to gain further associations and initiatives in Constance as members and to establish a district-wide umbrella organization together with other intercultural and migrant organizations in the district of Constance.

The picture shows from left to right: Zviad Arabidze (Initiative for Global Cooperation e.V., Georgia), Sebastian Roller (Café Mondial Konstanz e.V.), Christine Agorastos (Miteinander in Konstanz e.V.), Eric Kamguia (AWOLI e.V.), Agnieszka Vojta (Polish association Kleks e.V.), Doris Künzel (Café Mondial Konstanz e.V.), Dr. Marion Mallmann-B.), Doris Künzel (Café Mondial Konstanz e.V.), Dr. Marion Mallmann-Biehler (Save me Konstanz e.V.), Mei-Lin Wu-Melzer (Chinese School Konstanz e.V.) and Clovis Seumen (Nakupenda e.V.).

"All Nations Come Together" | Celebration with refugees in Constance

December 22, 2022

For successful social coexistence, encounters are not only important between refugees and the host society, but also between refugees themselves, because here too it can be seen that there are prejudices and reservations towards each other.
“All Nations Come Together” is a cross-national and cross-cultural celebration that aims to promote encounters between refugees in Constance and build bridges between different cultures.

  • Greeting
  • Ecumenical prayer for peace and cohesion
  • Christmas around the Word: Insight into the Christmas culture of other countries
  • Eating together
  • Music – Quiz – Intercultural dance competition

Africa meets the Orient | An intercultural culinary journey

September 30, 2021

African-Oriental buffet for intercultural encounters. In cooperation with Miteinander in Konstanz e.V., the AWOLI e.V. association is organizing a culinary journey with a development policy aspect. Look forward to the theme of the evening “Africa meets the Orient”. With a varied buffet, visitors can get to know the different cultures and get into conversation with each other.

Multinational soccer tournament 2006 and 2007

Sport is an informal way for people from different cultures to meet, perhaps break down existing prejudices or learn something about each other through play. Under the motto “Sport unites”, the multinational soccer tournament was held as part of the “Intercultural Week”. Whether with the whole family or alone, it was a great day for everyone. Delicious German and African cuisine was served and AWOLI e.V. presented musical news from all over the world to motivate the players. Anyone between the ages of 16 and 99 could take part, regardless of whether they were the dribbling king or the backyard champion.
The most important thing was to have fun and play fair.

Eneida Marta - Considju Tour 2006

This music grabs you immediately, sets everything in motion and doesn’t let go. We hear Cuba, Brazil, Africa and Portugal, all in one song, and it sounds as if nothing should ever have been different. But with the very next song, everything is different, a different expression, a new sound. Eneida Marta is bursting with ideas, sings in different languages, plays with tempo and expression. Her music is full of melody and rhythm, and it is just as diverse as her home country of Guinea-Bissau, a melting pot of different cultures and influences in the far west of Africa.